Monday, February 25, 2008


Today I had RA group process interview. It was kind of fun but I'm nervous about it. We had to stay in groups and do activities and discussions while the interviewers observed us. I'm not a kind of person who always takes the lead in group processing honestly....especially when I don't know the other people. I'm good with one on one though....everyone is ^^
That's just kinda stressing me lately. But the notifications will be out next week's just a week....have to bear it. =).....Anyways, I'm hoping for the best. It'd be a great experience to be an RA. I'd love it.
Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day. I have 4 classes, 9am to 9pm ^^....However, I love Mondays. I love my busy days. I'm kinda bored during weekends coz my friends usually go home. So I love weekdays. Monday and Friday are my favorite days. After busy weekdays I look forward to Fridays. Friday nights are so relaxing. ^__^
I'd better go to bed. =D


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